Copper3D Filter Face Mask - Covid-19 - NanoHack


Because of the virus known as Sars-Cov-2, that causes the disease Covid-19, many people have been desperately looking for facemasks as a way to protect themselves from the pandemic.

The Chilean company Copper3D which produces Antimicrobial 3D printer Filament launched a challenge for people to design a facemask that will use their active material as a base. This new facemask would be reusable and printable around the world.

In time of crisis, we must share anything that can possibly safe lives.

Please understand that this model is not medically certified, so it does not replace a traditional surgical mask.

This is a work in progress and its open to modification at own risk.


Two models, G and H, same lock and mesh filter. Add a cotton pad or other certified filter.

Two options: no rim and solid rim. For the “no rim” option you can print a rim with a flexible material in order to fit it at the border of the mask.


Licenced as Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

G Model

v5_G Facemask NanoHack

v6_G Facemask with voronoi air entry fix

  • G model with front air entry and with not a big enough filter will leak non-filtered air.

v7_G Facemask, less support, improved lock and filter ring

v10_G Facemask, no support, better fit, solid-rim only

v10.2_G Facemask, no support, better prints, 5-10% infill

  • New bottom shape, better and more consistent walls

H Model

H Facemask NanoHack


The Balloon Facemask Model

The Balloon Facemask

This model requieres thermoforming!!